$ € £ ¥ ₨ ₪
$ € £ ¥ ₨ ₪ - Looks familiar ... right?
It ought to be! Thats what is in your wallet and you want to see it multiply like bunnies and not die out like the stupid dodo bird!
I'm not going to go on and tell you how to save money, rather I will tell you how to share some money saving options!
All of us work for some one!
And that some makes something!
And that something is made available to use @ a discount....
Thats what I'm talking about!
And for those of you who don't have a freakin' clue, it means Employee Purchase Program!
Think about this, EPP discounts are upto 30 to 40% for employees. Does that mean you have to buy all that stuff? Nah!
Go give it to the guy next door! Give it to your cousin, give it to the guy whom you owe a lot of favors to!
He is going to be happy and you are going to be happy!
You can buy that really expensive TV and still have enough money to buy that recliner! And you did not even break the bank!
All said and done, a regular home entertainment system with a high def system, 7.1 surround sound and the works, will cost you no less than $5000.
Being smart and using the right EPP options, I've managed to set it up for less than $2K. Thats ~60% lesser than the retail price!
Now stop reading this blog, go find out what your company makes and what you can get via EPP!
Send me a note and let me know what I can get from you!