Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New economical concept - PNOOYA

Now heres a new economical concept that is taught to all MBAs and CPAs, but never shown on the course records! I came across the official nomenclature just recently!
The best part is that there are multiple references to to PNOOYA here & here! PNOOYA has been in use as far back as numbers and counting were invented!
Here are a few interesting locations where the PNOOYA concept has been used - affirmative!
War records - how many were killed? How much ammunition was used?
Stastics - What was the population of the earth, 10K years ago?
and the list goes on...

So go on, spread the word... tell folks about PNOOYA and Pull Numbers out of every one's rear ends!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Want to be cognitively better.... be a gamer!

I remember the time when my parents used to nag me for spending too much time on the video games.... what the heck... recent studies show that video game players are cognitively way better than the rest... we can perceive better, multi-task better, hear better, see shades better..... who knew that we were actually setting ourselves up for success!!!
Don't believe me.... read this article!